Thursday, 15 January 2015

Mozambique Report for 2014 by Dave Toms

I have been very pleased with the progress and maturation of the leadership of the churches in Mozambique during 2014. Things have come a long way since the early days when we first started planting churches in the northern part of the country. Years and years of discipling, of training and teaching through seminars and Bible school sessions, of conferences and mentoring has paid off handsomely and the church group is now quite steady and strong with some quality leaders. 2Tim3:16 “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.” We have attempted to use the Scriptures as our sole guide to shape the souls of men and God has proved faithful in saving and changing many lives over the years. We thank donors for providing us with the necessary Bibles throughout this lengthy time that enabled us to train so many leaders and the bicycles too that have carried our leaders over the width and breadth of 7 provinces, from the cities to the most rural bush areas. We have reached many people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ which is really Good News and this message has transformed the lives of tens of thousands of people and led to the planting and establishment of over 200 churches in Mozambique. I was especially happy and proud to see the Mozambican leadership take on the responsibility for caring for and giving leadership to a number of churches in Malawi this year. I actually encouraged them not to take on this additional responsibility, for I felt they did not have the resources to cope with this extra responsibility. But, they were determined to help Malawi and went ahead by faith (which made me proud). Like Paul the apostle they have that desire to see fruit for God in other nations as well. I am doing my best to back them in Malawi and am visiting these new churches and areas whenever I am in Malawi. May God give us success in this greater responsibility. 2014 has been a very good and busy year for us. I will give you a summary of some of the activities undertaken to paint a general picture for you. We initiated a 60 day Bible school “Intensive” this year, in which 30 students spent the whole month of May and September at Bible school in Quelimane. I was privileged enough to be part of the first school in May and was delighted with the course attendees and the program. The vision is to complete the international training course over 3 years. The course material is excellent and we are teaching the course ourselves (senior executive members) with one or two outside teachers to add experience and flavour. We will definitely be continuing with this 60 day intensive in 2015. We also held 28 district conferences over the course of the year. In Cabo Delgado province we held district conferences in 4 different districts. In Niassa province we held 4 district conferences. In In Nampula province in 4 districts. In Zambezia province in 6 districts. In Sofala province in 5 districts. In Manica province in 3 districts. In Tete province in 2 districts. These district conferences are where the rubber meets the road and enables us to reach to every local church leadership and many of their members with teaching, inspiration, encouragement and correction. These district conferences are key to our long term development. The national leader was totally committed, as was the entire executive to being present at these many district conferences to guide the development of the many churches. e.g. the national leader Luciano made 21 extended visitation trips during the year and also 2 trips to Malawi to assist in the development in Malawi as well. During the year 5 provincial conferences were also undertaken that included youth conferences, women’s conferences and general conferences. During 2014, thanks to your generosity of a donor, we were able to assist over 1500 families with rice that we bought. About 14 tons of rice was purchased, transported and delivered directly to these families over a very wide area who had suffered terribly during the floods of 2014. There was much gratitude, encouragement and thanks to God for this response that you enabled. In a similar vein we were able to replace the roof sheets of our pastor’s house (Pastor Carlito) in Morrumbala when flooding destroyed his home - this brought great relief to the family that were exposed to the elements and like wise this act of generosity was of great inspiration and encouragement to many. In total during 2014 we purchased and distributed 563 Bibles and 78 bicycles throughout Mozambique and we still have funds available to keep us going for the first part of 2015, as is our custom. As always the joy when receiving these investments of yours is amazing to behold :) These Bibles and bicycles have had such an impact and have been such an enabling force in the hands of God to build His Kingdom in Mozambique.

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